Yannik Vezina

 She is passionate about animals. She graduated in 2017 as a TTouch companion animal practitioner after having completed a 6 weeks training as an animal behaviour worker at Zoo Academie Jacinthe Bouchard in QC, Canada. Inspired by Lucie Leclerc and Sarah Fisher, she pursued her training and completed her ACE trainer certification in 2022.

She mainly shares her passion by volunteering one day a week at SPCALL in Quebec but also sometimes with animals in Africa.

She realized that with ACE she could approach the animal in a different way. ACE is going further than just trying to change a behavior, it is asking why and what can I do to help the animal in term of wellbeing, posture and fluidity in movement. When they feel safe and heard, it can only strengthen the relationship between you and your companion.

Yannik lives with her wonderful cats Emile and Aby with whom she learned that ACE can benefit every species.
